Alchemy and Energy
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
ph: 336-723-5905
alt: Jennifer Boose


Consultations identify your concerns, needs and goals of your energy healing or space clearing. Site visits are not required for a clearing or a consultation but are available upon request if you live in the Piedmont North Carolina area. Distance healings and clearings are performed remotely anywhere in the world.  You'll receive a report of the results of your space clearing and recommendations for the future. Clearings are thorough, interactive and detailed and done under the strictest guidelines. Payment by credit card through PayPal, personal check and cash are all gratefully accepted.


My “tough love” cancellation policy

If you are purchasing a service or workshop/class, please know that your purchase is “non-refundable and transferrable.”

This is a fancy way of saying: If your plans change, and you are no longer able to attend the [session or] event, you cannot “cancel” and then get a refund.

What you can do is:

1. Switch into a different event or service.
2. Give your ticket to somebody else.
3. Sell your ticket to somebody else.

[In the case of services, we'll get you on my calendar for another date/time.]

I have been quite lenient on this policy in the past. No longer. This is firm. Tough love. Bottom line: Just come. Don’t flake out. Be brave & show up. It’s good for the soul.


The information on this website is not purposed to replace professional medical diagnosis, treatment or even advice. You should always consult a qualified healthcare professional with questions about any medical condition. The information is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Any results presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual for any particular issue. While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed, so Alchemy and Energy will accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.

This website and my personal sessions are intended to give you information about well being based on research and personal experience. I am not a doctor or psychologist and the information on this website should not be considered as medical or psychological advice. Please consult your physician for health treatment and diagnosis.

Alchemy and Energy
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
ph: 336-723-5905
alt: Jennifer Boose